About us

St Augustine's Nursery is a charitable organization run by a voluntary committee of dedicated parents, in conjunction with the management team
Within St Augustine’s Nursery, we are proud of a high ratio of adults to children. This enables our experienced staff members to operate a “key person system”. This gives each child one special adult to relate to and the key person is in a position to tailor the group’s curriculum to the unique needs of each individual child. The key person works in association with parents/carers through shared record keeping, to ensure that all children are supported in reaching their full potential, Called My Learning Journey.
St Augustines is managed by Toni Pierce who has a Degree in Early Years, NVQ Level 6, Designated Safeguarding Officer and Early Talk Boost Tutor. Alongside Jennie Ashbrook NVQ Level 5 and experienced SENCO Level 3.
Our recent OFSTED inspection found the overall quality of our provision was “good” and “strong” partnership with parents.
Quoted from our OFSTED Report
“Children successfully learn about the wider world and the different people living in it. For instance,
they learn about a range of festivals from other cultures, such as Diwali, that are relevant to the
children attending. Additionally, children show high levels of respect for each other, which can be
seen when they share resources.”
Parental Involvement in the Nursery
Research shows that children learn better when their parents/carers are involved. We actively encourage parental involvement within the group on a regular basis, which gives parents/carers the opportunity to observe and join in with the group’s activities, whilst also maintaining the high ratio of adults to children. The essential ongoing assessment of your children can only take place with the involvement of parents/carers. However, we understand that some parents/carers will not be able to help.
St Augustines Nursery supports the Free For 2 scheme, and 2 year old funding for Working Parents. Offering funded places for children after their 2nd Birthday up to 15 hours per week by the Government. Additional hours can be added. We offer funded places for 3 and 4 year olds that receive 15 hours Government Funding as well as 30 hours for Working Parents.
We offer up to 30 hours for those 3 and 4 year old’s who qualify.
- Inclusive
- Respectful
- Responsible

Meet the team
Experts in giving your children best start

Co-manager, safeguarding lead
Level 6, BA Hons

Co-Manager, SENCO lead
Level 5

SENCO Support, health and safety officer
Level 3

Early Years Educator
NVQ Level 3

Early Years Educator
NVQ Level 3

Early Years Practitioner
Studying NVQ Level 2

Early Years Practitioner
Studying NVQ Level 2